Master Joaqu�n Trincado Mateo�s Biography


Birth, Family and studies
With 61 since the Foundation of the Magnetic Spiritual School of the Universal Commune

September 20 from 1911- September 20 from 1972

JOAQU�N TRINCADO MATEO Was born in Cintru��igo, a Navarra�s Province, Spain, in august 19 from 1866 (� in the first 30 minutes of the hour 1� C�digo de Amor Universal, Premise) being the fourth child given to his parents: Ignacio Trincado Alfaro and Romualda Mateo Ayala.

His childhood past primary and secondary studied in Spain, and was even novice two years, which finally abandoned the religious cloister and studied for 8 years at several universities in Europe, graduating in Electrical Engineering from the University of Liege and Brussels, Belgium. Returning to Spain he practiced until 1903, when an irresistible force of his spirit prompted him to leave family, friends and homeland to travel to the New World, settling in Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina, the same year.

(The photo below corresponds to the Master Joaqu�nTrincado Mateo�s working place and also headquarter of the Central School, approximately from 1926 to 1935).

With a free and investigative mind, he found in this Country a favorable welcome and dedicated at his full to the exercise of his profession and invents, patenting some of them, with which he made an appreciable fortune.

Member of the Masonic Order, which climbed to the highest degree, developed concerns of a philosophical, historical and sociological led him to travel to the Middle East in search of sources of historical truth, as did before the great Ernest Renan and more Fortunately this, as it passes through Bethlehem received information about the existence of Mayor Kabbalah or School of the Essenes, whose center was in Jerusalem, where he directed his steps in search of that.

By secret signs that identified him, was received by the Kabbalist Elder is in charge of the custody of valuable files and the continuation of the studies he founded 36 centuries before the Great Initiate Moses.

In the studied Kabbalah files, comparing original documents he was shown mummies of Kabbalists character and historic value received irrefutable range of skills that later served as a matrix for the realization of his monumental philosophical work.

Kabbalists received from the Elders and commissioning mission to spread the truths he had discovered, enriching them with their own thorough research.


For the years from 1908 to 1909 in Buenos Aires is linked to the Spiritist Society "PROOF", that was directed routinely mystified by the work of the apostle of Spiritism in the World, Allan Kardec or Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail. But there found no mysticism, elemental phenomenalism, supremacy in the selection of members of the Society, which still exists with the same orientation. In that environment could not find food the spirit of research, scientific rationalist Trincado Joaquin. Phenomenalist practices devoid of evidentiary nature of the powers of mediums, and effective knowledge of the Directors of the Society, led him to promote a lively argument at the end of which announces his retirement from the Company and the purpose of founding a school to demonstrate that he could clean Spiritism stains and evils that cause bad spiritists, who served and serve the religion and not philosophy, inviting the most progressive members of the Company who endorsed at achieving this purpose.

As early as 1910, preliminary work done to crystallization projects.

On September 20, 1911, barely recovered from a serious illness, declares solemnly founded the "MAGNETIC SPIRITUAL SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSAL COMMUNE", choosing that date by the time the Earth as a planet's satellite sun reaches its perihelion, it is, ie the point in its orbit closest to its star Father.

It began on that day the historical moment of the New Age of Truth to terrestrial humanity and with it the first minute of the reign of the "Government of Spiritism to the world Earth."

That is the reason for choosing the September 20, 1911 for the founding of the School day 36 centuries were met out in secret Testament of Abraham.

Find collaborators of the first order. Such is the case of Mediums Pedro Portillo and Jose Gonzales. Speaker Visionary and the first second, Medianimic the wonderful qualities of these two, together with those of Joaquin Trincado serve to cement the granite blocks of the Doctrine of Spiritism "LIGHT AND TRUTH." For the sake of these brothers Mediums rightly called them first as the "UNIVERSAL VOICE" and the latter as "THE EYE OF THE CREATOR," such was the power, sincerity and development of mediumship that served the School until the last minute of their earthly existence.

Joined his fate to Sister and Mistress Mercedes Riglos Cosis, forming a household, which is adorned with three children, Instructed by its cognate in doctrine, becomes his partner immediately put at the service of the Big cause, their culture and intelligence, his dedication, his virtues, exemplary mother and lover of liberty and fraternity of mankind, making aside the painful alternative penalties and the struggle waged.


Magnetic Spiritual School of Universal Commune is the direct continuation of the CABAL MORE than Moses founded 36 centuries ago, to leave the people of Israel, after having liberated and enlightened, because, by their priests remained in the low-practices magic learned during the centuries of slavery in Egypt, Moses with a group of Elders who follow him, Jerusalem Kabbalah based on more (Mathematics, Philosophy), known as the School of the Essenes, or the sixties and Sages. There Moses leaves the entire body of knowledge, not only acquired in that existence as such, but those of his rich master file of Humanity, the germ of the Doctrine and Legislation historic first child of Adam and Eve, Seth, the Sanskrit doctrine which follows the Vedanta and other branches later.

In the Kabbalah, or school of the Essenes is contained the Mosaic Kabbalistic Doctrine for teaching "secrets" that will only come on a mission spirits to Earth or the most primitive family evolved to be instructed in the "Geometric Symbols" and in mathematics, philosophy and other sciences synthesized there by Moses. In this school and its branches were instructed Joachim, the father of Mary, Joseph the Carpenter, Joseph of Arimathea and many others and then John the Solitary and Jesus of Nazareth.

Magnetic Spiritual School of Universal Commune, being the continuation of the Kabbalah Mayor, no longer has a secret character, that out of necessity imprint of its founder, which is not adulterated in its doctrines or practices, as happened disastrously with the Decalogue.

Are the same as professed Antulio 25 centuries ago in Athens, which will serve to be victim of priestly intrigue of the Areopagus who condemned him to take the hemlock, as well as by the great Socrates suffered the same penalty imposed by the same court, that seeing that his sentence had no legal basis he uttered, supposedly for the good of the people's morale. Also the principles professed and defended later by Plato, Democritus, Pythagoras, and many others.

The school checks with irrefutable facts set forth in 14 books, how impossible it is to amalgamate science with religion. Break the eclectic philosophy of the system for their cowardice in the face to the maintenance of relative truth, transcendental, and absolute in its respective manifestation, such as form, as a soul and a spirit. Sample bares the negative role and contrary to progress, all religions, who have deceived mankind for many centuries and that while they are there because of war, injustice, slavery and moral and material misery. Collect the entire School positive men and women of all time, disclose and investigate the Science of Science: Spiritism and enhances the real value of each and develops the principles to make the legislation governing the Earth humanity, once you establish the community of Love and Law, whose dawn is looming on the immediate horizon of our history.

The struggle of the Founder of the School Master was stubborn and she could not be overcome his mettle combative character severely analytical, research, scientific and philosophical, were as valuable diamonds on his work.

He wrote 42 works; including books and pamphlets, of which only 14 were printed, being still at an unprecedented 32 of them, in the hands of their children. Some of these are some of the already then printed as the continuation of the Code of Universal Love, his Autobiography and other undeniably important. For the correct course of his school gave us the Statutes, Internal Rules, Circulars, Orders, Conferences, etc� Legalized the formation of 180 Chairs subsidiaries spread across the Americas and others elsewhere in the world. Communal Colony founded, the "Order of the Temple Blue Rationalist (OTAR)" and the highly political organization called the C name and she went and got host of various governments of Hispanic America to the principles outlined in the �Basic Referendum� in development which he fought to fall murderous villain General Augusto Cesar Sandino, Keeper of the School in Nicaragua.

Master already ill in the last months of his life, traveled thousands of miles in Argentine railways to give its advice to the communal colonies. Since then a struggle ensued between the firm will fund work and relentless disease that sapped his body.

They tell their children, wrapped in blankets legs and ill, remained indefatigable in his study of 180 basis Chairs work and their students, scattered around the world, with all the issues to be consulted and the problems that arose in the ever-expanding organization, and when their emerging leaders had not properly digested theoretical and practical background of so much work. To all attending at the time accurate and that wisdom, that austerity up to the maximum extent without losing the north of Love to mankind, to whom he dedicated his entire life, their knowledge, their property and its capacity for sacrifice and devotion, until the day December 6, 1935 in which his spirit freed from the heaviness of the dense body, went into space to watch from there, and advise students of his work, which are in the trenches of combat, taking his place and fulfilling the commitment.

This is roughly the Work; this is the example and that the Master Joaquin Trincado Founder of the Magnetic Spiritual School of Universal Commune.

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