If you want to know how we got to get the music for these songs we invite you to read below.
The sea the sea. I come forth before you, As light in the sea
Light Drops With the sunshine; Are shining
Hoping to see you awake. Matthew is Gabriel will Their ships will
And all the time There will be compensated; For the good of all
Not only fallacious. Powerful works.
Write music. At rallies Code of Universal Love. Urge your understanding.
May peace and love reign among you, join more alert to the absent and the schools they sleep.
It was on Thursday, 6 January 2005, working on development of power with his brother Valent�n Isaac Ram�rez Barajas. Invariably when I was developing a person, I start receiving messages or thoughts that are not mine, this time was none other than Master Joaqu�n Trincado poetic form that asked me to put music to the lyrics of his book "Code Universal Love ", part II, and since there are no coincidences, but rather the causalities, the next day Friday, January 7, the phone rang, my husband asked to speak to Federico, the surprise we got was huge, because it was an invitation the food of the Society of Authors and Composers, S de G. C. de I. P.
As you will see was what was needed, according to us to fulfill the request of the spiritual master Joaqu�n Trincado. Witnessing, food, and the result was that we met an arranger who gave us their help, if you hum the songs and hymns about it we said that we will work with attendees ATRIL group, they are we know and response was very poor, because I asked myself, "and prepared some of the music? The answer was I have not had time. We revert to the Association of Authors with Federico and I had to see the progress that the manager promised to find music on their own. Time passed and nothing.
We also informed of the request to two chairs of the Federal District EMECU, one directly and one that we will not find open information and a greeting on the door years went by and nothing, got no response.
I even think that the submission of Joaqu�n Trincado, had only been a fantasy of mine, but on January 3, 2008 bought a small guitar gift for our grandson Ivan, who did his five years on the 7th of the month; That same day, was Fede to the Citadel to give a guitar to write, talked with Felix Hernandez Santiago and so we knew he was musical arranger, singer, songwriter, director of a musical group and it is a very simple but valuable. Thanks to Felix, after three months we had and the music, the "Song to the Sun" by Joaqu�n Trincado. Just the day April 7 finished recording, when the party ends maximum called "Easter Truth" (Article 1 of the Law of the Maximun party), we gave out two albums in three ways: recording sung, with the recording tour and recording only the music to sing it, hear it in the establishment of a friend and this place was on its walls full of suns, of various colors of clay and other materials, which surprised us because were hearing the music and looking around many suns, was a wonderful experience, I almost get the tears, and therefore received in such a short time to meet Felix, who I'm very grateful and I was sending the Eloi.
Felix told us a chance to be with Jos� Luis Alcazar, in the arrangement of the song the sun suddenly a blue light beam down to them and great was his surprise, when we talked and asked what that was, I said maybe was a response of acceptance of the spirits of light and my master Joaqu�n Trincado. Now is already preparing the next tune that we hope will be of his liking. And serve the world through internet.
April 16, 2008.
In the next shot we see the market premises located in the craft of the Citadel in Mexico City Federal District, where for the first time we hear the Song to the Sun, where you see many suns, as I mentioned the April 16 2008.

16 April last to date, among other activities, work continued to get music from the songs of Master Joaqu�n Trincado, with the results below indicate, together with ATRIL GROUP 2, whose genealogy will be released soon .
The Master opened JOAQUIN TRINCADO SCHOOL COMMUNITY MAGNETIC UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL the September 20, 1911, now celebrating the 97 anniversary of the school, GROUP ATRIL for the enjoyment and understanding of all humanity on planet Earth, offers: Zion's Song, The Song of Solidarity and the Cosmogony and the hymn to Mary, to be known and recognized, for the sing even in the farthest corners of the earth, of course undeniable that with the help of all the Spiritual Community Earth, Sun and Zion.
I hope that my beloved and respected spiritual master Joaqu�n Trincado feel satisfied that it is complying with his request, requesting that we continue to give directions for further work for the cause of Spiritism in the establishment of the Commune.
Now listen one by one the songs, inviting them to follow up with the following, so that the spread in their pages, schools, friends, relatives and acquaintances, for the Spirits of Light of insurance in order to help achieve this great work.
As always with you your sister and friend
September 20, 2008
20 September last, to date, among other activities, work continued to get music from the songs of Master Joaqu�n Trincado, with the results below indicate, together with ATRIL GROUP II, and collaboration for broadcast CHAIR REGIONAL MEXICAN the "Union Fraternal" A. C., active supporter of the School Magnetic Universal Spiritual Commune founded by Joaqu�n Trincado the Sept. XX. 1911, Record 1294.
According to the MAX PARTY LAW, ART. 22 .- On 3, 4 and 5 December commemorate the disembodiment of Xavier and the nativity of the Messiah of Freedom, Jesus. The Easter effect is called Freedom and for the enjoyment and understanding of all humanity on planet Earth, ATRIL GROUP offers:
A) The evocation of the Creator Spirit who sing daily at 12 days, according to CAP. 6 of the BASIC LAW, which is proclaimed the Universal Commune in the World Earth to paragraph f) of ART. 5 of the LABOUR LAW and the ART. 7 of the LAW OF UNION OF LIVING, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE FAMILIES;
B) And sing to the Spirit of Truth.
To be known and recognized, to the farthest corners of the earth, all undeniable support the Spiritual Community of Earth, Sun and Zion and in accordance with THE HISTORICAL PATTERN FOR HYMNS AND CHANT:
"ART. 8 .- In the Community pursues the highest achievement and the maximum of spirituality, not written literature, music, poetry, to live it as has happened in the past tense, is written for the greater beauty, harmony and civilization to follow the inspiration of the spirit in which we worship in truth it Eloi and recreate our soul. This is what I will present every child of the Commune, and is the end to be pursued in his writings and literary works, poetry and music, like the chase all the sciences that tend to pull secrets of nature, which we rise, by degrees, in our view and that is the Eloi happy."
Now listen to the evocation and the aforementioned song, inviting them to keep abreast of these songs, so that the spread in their pages, schools, friends, relatives and acquaintances, with the help of their guides, guards and Spirits of Light, so as to achieve this great work.
On the other hand is recommended, read and comment on Article SECOND MOON OF THE PLANET EARTH, which is proposed by GRUPO ATRIL on this website.
As always with you your sister and friend
January 23, 2009